The 3 Types of Income To Become A Millionaire

You need to do something to make money, regardless of taking a very small action or big one.

Even if it is just sending emails - that's still considered as taking actions.

What Is Your Center Of Influence?

There are already plenty of books written about belief system, both scientific and motivational.
What I would like to do is to share with you how my belief system works. Maybe it works for you too.
What Is Your Center Of Influence

The Science of Success behind the Abundance’s Secret

Let me ask you: do you believe in the "Law of Attraction?"

The teachings from the famous DVD, The Secrets?

The reason I brought it up is because the abundance mindset has a lot of similarities with the Law of Attraction.

In summary, the Law of Attraction is the name given to the belief that "like attracts like" and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results.

With the abundance of opportunity mindset, it means that opportunities will never run out. It's unlimited. Like sands at the beach, water in the ocean. Get what I mean?

The Three Corner Stones To Becoming A Millionaire

This is the psychology to wealth – how someone REACTS towards money.
Have you seen some people who always seem to be “lucky” and being able to “attract” money easily?

That’s the science of psychology that they have with money. This is the very fundamental that you need to have before proceeding to “Mindset” and “Opportunity” because if your psychology is wrong, nothing goes any further from here. Full stop.

I have my own psychology and I guess it must has worked for me – for the wealth and money it has led me to.

And now, I’m going to share with you the real secrets behind it…