The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: 
Follow Them and People Will Follow You

If you’ve never read The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, you’ve been missing out on one of the best-selling leadership books of all time. 

If you have read the original version, then you’ll love this new expanded and updated one.

Internationally recognized leadership expert, speaker, and author John C. Maxwell has taken this million-seller and made it even better: 

Every Law of Leadership has been sharpened and updated
Seventeen new leadership stories are included
Two new Laws of Leadership are introduced
New evaluation tool will reveal your leadership strengths―and weaknesses
New application exercises in every chapter will help you grow

Why would Dr. Maxwell make changes to his best-selling book?

“A book is a conversation between the author and reader,” says Maxwell. “It’s been ten years since I wrote The 21 Laws of Leadership. I’ve grown a lot since then. I’ve taught these laws in dozens of countries around the world. This new edition gives me the opportunity to share what I’ve learned.”

Daily Inspiration

Here is an idea.

Watch this video everyday before you go to work.
Watch this video in your tea break or lunch.

And watch it again before you go to sleep at night.

Do this 3 times a day for the next 30 days and just see the difference in yourself....

The Most Proven System For Making A Full Time Income Online

Lets face it… working from home is something we’d all like to do.

From being able to work when you want, from wherever you want, the percentage of people who are striving to work from home is continually increasing.

Perhaps another reason for the demand is due to the fact it’s now becoming a lot more attainable, with more and more people working from home and most importantly… more and more people making money online.

But where do you start?

How To Become A Millionaire, Step-By-Step

What does it really take to become a millionaire? Can You Do it? Is it even Possible?

Patrick Bet-David, a successful financier, entrepreneur, former radio host and author of the best-selling book, "Doing the Impossible: The 25 Laws for Doing the Impossible" - offers a contrarian economic viewpoint and has insights on achieving the American Dream in the 21st century.

Patrick Bet-David is a genuine "rags to riches" success story. 

Patrick came with his family to the U.S. from revolutionary Iran at 12 years old and subsequently served in the U.S. Army's prestigious 101st Airborne Division.

After his honorable discharge from the Army, Patrick got involved in the financial services industry and in 2009 created People Helping People (PHP) to share sound financial education and advice with students, families and small businesses.

PHP is celebrating its first two years in business with 250 percent growth year-over-year and expansion into 33 states.

2 Little Words That Work Marketing Magic

In his classic best-seller, How To Win Friends And Influence People, Dale Carnegie's second chapter is entitled The Big Secret of Dealing With People.

The secret is summed up in this principle:

January Is A Great Month To Start That New Business

I like January.

Other than the fact it's my birthday month (smile), it's because it's still a "long way" to go.

You see, I don't have magic power when it comes to making money online but I understand a very simple formula to achieve business success...

In fact, in all area of success in life.

Whatever you want to do, START EARLY.

This way, you have ample of time to make your venture's a big success. 

And more importantly, you get to enjoy the payoff faster.

So if you want to write an eBook or to create your funnel (or whatever you wish to do), start doing that NOW.

Don't wait.

But what else could be "better" than taking action?